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Certificate Number 12859
Aquaseal Rubber is ISO 9001 : 2015

Food grade rubber is a specially certified grade of rubber approved for use in food manufacturing and packaging. Aquaseal Rubber uses silicone, natural rubber, nitrile, neoprene and polyurethane rubber for food grade rubber products. In addition to food, food grade rubber can be used for liquids and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Food grade rubber that has been certified by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration – Depart of Health and Human Services) and comes under part 177 – indirect food additives section 177.2600 – rubber articles for repeated use. This means that the rubber products and parts meet the limited levels under this ruling.

Our food grade rubber is an exceptional product due to its many food safe properties.

Being non-toxic and with high temperature range, it is ideal for use in the preparation and storage of food. In addition to being non-allergenic, it is resistant to mould and water, which means organic material will not form on the rubber. Food grade rubber is also odourless and tasteless meaning it will not affect the quality and properties of the food it is used with. It is a tough and reliable material with a long life span.

Our products go through rigorous testing to make sure that they will withstand the extremes in temperature and wear. We can guarantee that all of our products comply with the FDA regulations and only contain approved substances.

Aquaseal Rubber can manufacture all of their products in food grade rubber, including seals, gaskets, sheets, and extruded and moulded parts.

Food grade rubber

Which Food Grade Rubber do you need?


PVC or polyvinyl chloride is a widely used synthetic plastic polymer. It is a thermoplastic polymer and can be produced in a rigid or flexible form.

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Polyurethane shore hardnesses can be softer than a pencil rubber, harder than nylon, or anywhere between. We manufacture a range of products in polyurethane.

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Nitrile (Buna N rubber)

Nitrile is a synthetic rubber that works best in products that will be directly used with oils and grease. This is because the rubber is resistant to petroleum-based oils and fuels and hydraulic fluids. It also has high abrasion resistance which means that it can withstand wear and tear.

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Natural Rubber

Rather than being synthetically produced, natural rubber is created from plant and tree species. It is commonly used as FDA-approved rubber as it is resistant to moderate chemicals, wet and dry organic acids and alcohol which makes it suitable for many uses.

It is moderately resistant to heat, light and air exposure which is something to consider if you need the product to be weather resistant or extremely long-lasting.

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For food and drink industries that work largely with fats, oils and greases, neoprene is often the choice of rubber. This type of material actually repels oily and greasy food products, meaning it can withstand this type of environment longer than other FDA-approved materials.

Common uses for neoprene include refrigerator seals, rubber gaskets and safety gloves.

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Viton Rubber

Viton is a great choice for food grade rubber as it withstands high temperatures and is very durable. It is also non-toxic and odour free which suits the needs of a food manufacturers.

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This is a synthetic rubber that’s widely used in the food and drink industry. Its flexibility means that it is a popular option for rubber gaskets or seals but it does have a range of other uses. Made from odourless and tasteless compounds, it is particularly useful in situations the material needs to resist environmental degradation and exposure, an area where natural rubber can lack.

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Our Fluoroelastomers are used for numerous high-performance applications in the aerospace, automotive, industrial fields, and more. Fluoroelastomers are custom molded into a wide variety of rubber products including seals, o-rings, rubber gaskets, valves, and rubber diaphragms.

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Silicone Rubber

The most widely used rubber for manufacturing both food and pharmaceutical products. It is resistant to heat, open flame and insulates from electricity.

It is used in sealants, adhesives, cooking utensils and lubricants and allows for extended service life.

Find out more about our materials on our page: “Rubber We Use

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Advantages of using Aquaseal

  • Bespoke rubber products
  • Manufactured in-house
  • Small run quantities
  • Made in the UK
  • ISO 9001 accredited

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