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Certificate Number 12859
Aquaseal Rubber is ISO 9001 : 2015

Pipe Repair Kit - Pow-R Wrap

When pipes become broken, burst or corroded, a pipe repair kit is an easy alternative to traditional methods such as cementing, soldering, welding, sleeving and replacement. Use Aquaseal’s Pow-R Wrap to seal a damaged or leaking pipe.

Powr-R wrap is a strong, permanent and economical repair which is effective on virtually every kind of pipe and hose. The wrap works on all fluid-bearing pipes and hoses including those that carry potable water, steam, air, gas, sewerage and fuel hydraulics.

pipe repairs, plumbing repairs

Make sure that you are wearing enclosed gloves at all times when handling Pow-R wrap.

Pow-R Wrap specifications

Depending on the size, all repairs will take less than 1 hour from preparation to the end result:

  • Preparation approximately 5 -10 min
  • Installation approximately 15 min
  • pow-r wrap pipe repair kitCure time 30 min

Available in kits:

  • Up to 76mm diameter pipe

Each kit contains:

  • Resin impregnated fibreglass tape in a foil bag which is activated by water
  • Pre-measured stic-o-steel epoxy putty to enhance repairs
  • 1 pair of protective gloves
  • Complete multilingual usage instructions
  • No additional tools required, just add water

Technical information:

  • Heat Resistance – 647°C / 1197°F
  • Line Pressures – 40bar / 600psi
  • Resistant to diesel, petroleum, halocarbons and alcohols

Using the pipe repair kit    

Our pipe repair kit is easy to use and doesn’t require any additional tools or expertise. First of all, you must knead the putty until it is uniform in colour – after this, it can be applied to the damaged area. You can then follow the next three steps:

step 1 pipe repair kit


Step 1:

Open the foil pouch that contains the Pow-R Wrap and add water. To ensure that the water reaches all areas of the tape, squeeze the pouch for 20-30 seconds.






step 2 pipe repair kit

Step 2:

Apply the wrap to the opposite side of the break first of all and begin to wrap around the pipe, you should do this before the putty hardens.






step 3 pipe repair kit

Step 3:

Continue to wrap around the pipe until the leaking area has tape applied 2 inches (5cm) on either side of the leak. You should wrap until there are 8-10 layers over the broken area. Once all tape has been applied, use both hands to squeeze over the area firmly and rotate your hand in the direction of the wrap to tighten the layers.





step 4 pipe repair kit

Step 4:

Once the wrap is fully cured, you can sand and paint the area. 







Contact us today to place your Pow-R Wrap order.

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Advantages of using Aquaseal

  • Bespoke rubber products
  • Manufactured in-house
  • Small run quantities
  • Made in the UK
  • ISO 9001 accredited

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