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Certificate Number 12859
Aquaseal Rubber is ISO 9001 : 2015

Rubber release agent

Rubber release agents are used by manufacturers and companies dealing with moulds to effectively release the mould without sticking. They can prevent materials from bonding to surfaces through lubrication and facilitate an easy release.

Rubber release agents

We are now sole UK suppliers of mould rubber release agent, Ababol N.

Ababol N is a solvent-free, water-based release agent that is used widely across the rubber industry in manufacturing and machinery manufacturing.

At Aquaseal Rubber, we used Ababol N ourselves for many projects and after realising its benefits we made the decision to partner with the company and supply the product.

You can find out more about the product and order a free sample at our dedicated website:

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Advantages of using Aquaseal

  • Bespoke rubber products
  • Manufactured in-house
  • Small run quantities
  • Made in the UK
  • ISO 9001 accredited

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