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Certificate Number 12859
Aquaseal Rubber is ISO 9001 : 2015

Rubber Seals

Watertight hatch


Our rubber seals come in a variety of hardness from 30 shore A to 90 Shore A, used in marine and industrial environments.

We can make seals that are:

  • resistant to water degradation
  • oil resistant
  • heat resistant

We specialise in making gate seals and hatch packing, rubber seals for ships, and industrial rubber seals. We also make watertight hatch seals and yacht seals.

Find out more about our materials on our page: “Rubber We Use

Aquaseal Rubber – Materials Chart Rubber Seals

Which Rubber Seals do you need?


Polyurethane can be manufactured in varying hardness depending on the purpose of the rubber seal. This material has excellent load-bearing capabilities so can be a cost-effective option for seals.

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Nitrile (Buna N rubber)

Nitrile rubber provides great resistance to most petroleum-based fluids, greases, oils, and hydraulic fluids making it an ideal option for the food and automotive industries.

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Natural Rubber

Natural rubber seals are a popular material for non-hydraulic sealing applications in food and beverage applications due to its resistance to organic acids and alcohols. However, it is not resistant to all fluids.

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Neoprene is most often used in external sealing applications because of the elastomer’s resistance to oil, ammonia, extreme temperatures, and flexing.

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Viton Rubber

Viton rubber is ideal for resisting degradation to chemicals and fluids, making it a great option for a commercial rubber seal. Viton rubber seals are often used in industries such as chemical, food manufacturing, engineering, and automotive because of their unique properties.

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EPDM rubber seals are most commonly used in the automotive and construction industry due to their weather resistance to ozone and UV.

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Styrene Butadiene Rubber

Styrene-butadiene rubber bonds well to other materials, making them a great option for a watertight hatch seal for example. It is commonly used in non-mineral oil-based brake fluid applications, automobile tyres, and conveyor belts and as a cost-effective solution to natural rubber.

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Butyl Rubber

Butyl rubber seals are made from a synthetic material that has excellent resistance to ozone and sunlight along with low permeability to gases. We don’t recommend butyl rubber seals for contact with petroleum oils or fluids.

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Fluoroelastomer rubber seals are exceptionally resistant to harsh chemicals, heats, oils, fuels, solvents, and many chemical acids.

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Silicone Rubber

A long service life makes silicone a good option for rubber seals. This material has a temperature range of -60 degrees Celsius to 200 degrees Celsius so can be suitable for many situations. It is also known to be weatherproof so can withstand those harsher environments.

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  • _0002_Moulded Seal - Pipe Seal3
  • _0017_IMG_3341
  • _0008_Marine Seal - Hatch seal
  • Food Grade Rubber2
  • Food-Grade-Rubber1
  • Extruded seal2
  • Extruded seal1

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Advantages of using Aquaseal

  • Bespoke rubber products
  • Manufactured in-house
  • Small run quantities
  • Made in the UK
  • ISO 9001 accredited

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