Technical Date Sheet


Nitrile Anti Static AQ5844


Typical Properties


Hardness                                      62-72 Shore A

Specific Gravity                           1.40

Tensile Strength ( Mpa )          10.89

Elongation @ Break ( %)         450

Compression Set %                   37.76

(22 Hours @ 1000 C )


Heat Resistance (70 Hours @ 1000 C )


Hardness                                      +6

Tensile Strength (% )               -3.58

Elongation @ Break ( %)        -31.11




Oxidation                                    Good

Ozone & Weathering               Fair/Good


Oil Resistance


ASTM oil no1 @ 200 C             Excellent

ASTM oil no1 @ 1000 C           Good

ASTM oil no3 @ 200 C             Excellent

ASTM oil no3 @ 1000 C           Good

ASTM Fuel B @ 400 C               Fair/Good ( minor effect on properties )


General Physical Properties


Abrasion                                  Good

Flame Resistance                  Excellent

Anti-Static                               10R6 - 10R8 Ohms








All the above data is typical information and given in good faith. Ultimate results would depend upon concentration, temperature and time exposed.